스마트시티 관련 데이터센터 건설 서비스 수출 방안 연구 (베트남)
A Study to Promote Export of Data Center Construction Service for Smart City
PURPOSE : This study is to examine ways to promote expansion of Korean companies worlwidely which are working for Data Center Construction for Smart City.
METHODS : Based on the literature review, it shows that the purpose of this study is based on definition and characteristic of Smart CIty. After reviewing current status of the Data Center Construction Business in Korea, it suggests Vietnam as a prospective market considering the necessity and the business surroundings.
RESULTS : The cybersecurity law implemented in 2019 stipulates that technology companies store data of Vietnamese users in Vietnam and provide the data upon request by the Ministry of Public Security. In September 2020, according to the announcement of “National Data Portal” and “Open Data Portal” by the Ministry of Information and Communication of Vietnam, demand for data centers is expected to increase. Vietnam's cloud computing market is worth nearly $200 million and is growing by more than 30% every year, so it will be effective to advance through collaboration in data center-related fields based on the existing experiences of Korean companies.
CONCLUSIONS : In order to provide an integrated solution, it is necessary to form a consortium that utilizes the strengths of each company and advance, and it is necessary to secure technological competitiveness such as differentiated technologies, products and services, and to monitor and actively respond to global corporate movements and domestic investment trends. The potential of the data center market in Vietnam is significant, and Korea and Vietnam need to cooperate to cultivate excellent big data talents.
Smart City, data center, data based, Vietnam, export, cyber security law