[SCOPUS 등재지] Enhancing Ecologically Sustainable Management of Deadwood in Kenya’s Natural Forests
작성 날짜 4/4/2021조회수 228
1. 논문명: Enhancing Ecologically Sustainable Management of Deadwood in Kenya’s Natural Forests
2. 저자: Sylvester Ngome Chisika, 염춘호(Chunho Yeom)
3. 학술지명:
『Hindawi』 International Journal of Forestry Research Volume 2021
Sylvester Ngome Chisika과 염춘호 교수님은2 021년 3월 "Enhancing Ecologically Sustainable Management of Deadwood in Kenya’s Natural Forests" 논문을 SCOPUS 등재지인 『Hindawi』 International Journal of Forestry Research Volume 2021에 게재하였습니다.