[SSCI 등재지] Enhancing Sustainable Development and Regional Integration through Electrification by Solar Power: The Case of Six East African States
작성 날짜 4/4/2021조회수 134
1. 논문명: Enhancing Sustainable Development and Regional Integration through Electrification by Solar Power:
The Case of Six East African States
2. 저자: Sylvester Ngome Chisika, 염춘호(Chunho Yeom)
3. 학술지명:
『Sustainability』 2021, 13, 3275
Sylvester Ngome Chisika과 염춘호 교수님은 2021년 3월 "Enhancing Sustainable Development and Regional Integration through Electrification by Solar Power: The Case of Six East African States" 논문을 SSCI 등재지인 『Sustainability』 2021, 13, 3275에 게재하였습니다.