[SSCI 등재지] An exploration of the connection between tree cover and selected development indicators in Kenya's devolved units
작성 날짜 8/4/2022조회수 127
1. 논문명: An exploration of the connection between tree cover and selected development indicators in Kenya's devolved units
2. 저자: S.N. CHISIKA, 염춘호(Chunho Yeom)
3. 학술지명:
『International Forestry Review』 Vol.24(2), 2022
S.N. CHISIKA, 염춘호은 2022년 "An exploration of the connection between tree cover and selected development indicators in Kenya's devolved units" 논문을 SSCI 등재지인 『International Forestry Review』Vol.24(2), 2022에 게재하였습니다.