[SCI 등재지] Enhancing Sustainable Management of Public Natural Forests Through Public Private Partnerships in Kenya
작성 날짜 11/10/2021조회수 156
1. 논문명: Enhancing Sustainable Management of Public Natural Forests Through Public Private Partnerships in Kenya
2. 저자: Sylvester Ngome CHISIKA, 염춘호(Chunho Yeom)
3. 학술지명:
『SAGE Open』, vol. 11, 4, First Published October 30, 2021.
Sylvester CHISIKA,, 염춘호 교수님은 2021년 9월 "Enhancing Sustainable Management of Public Natural Forests Through Public Private Partnerships in Kenya" 논문을 SCI 등재지인 『SAGE Open』vol. 11, 4, First Published October 30, 2021.에 게재하였습니다.